Merlin has magical powers and arrives at the city of Camelot, after his mother arranges for him to become an apprentice of Gaius. He discovers that the king, Uther Pendragon, has outlawed magic and has imprisoned the last dragon deep under the city. The dragon informs him that Merlin has an important destiny to protect Uther's son, Arthur, who will bring forth a great Kingdom. When he meets Arthur for the first time he discovers that he is arrogant and a bully, but after he saves Arthur's life, he is rewarded with a job in the Royal Household as Arthur's manservant, and they become close friends. Arthur is unaware of Merlin's magical ability, as Merlin has to keep it a secret or face execution at the hands of Uther.
Morgana is Uther's ward with the power of prophetic foresight, which frightens her and which she keeps secret. Gwen is her maid servant and close friend.
The first series focused on the development of Merlin and his friendship with Arthur. The second series focuses more on development of the other cast members. Some of the central themes of the series are the budding romance between Arthur and Gwen and Morgana's struggle to control her powers.
Other characters from Arthurian legend have appeared. Lancelot longed to become a knight, but unable to do so because of his birth as a commoner. Mordred has appeared as a Druid boy who formed a bond with Morgana (in some legends he is Morgause's son, as she is Mordred's mother) and it has been predicted by the dragon that Mordred will be the cause of death of Arthur (in the legend this occurred at the Battle of Camlann). Mordred and the Great Dragon refer to Merlin by his Druidic name, Emrys (the Welsh form of Ambrosius); Ambrosius Aurelianus was a historical figure whom Geoffrey of Monmouth partially merged with Merlin[citation needed]). Excalibur is an ordinary sword that becomes enchanted by the Great Dragon.