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Heroes Season 3 Volume 2


Season three

Volume 4: Fugitives

The second part of the series titled Fugitives involves what happens after Nathan fails to produce the formula. After the destruction of Primatech and Pinehearst, the Heroes attempt to lead normal lives until Nathan initiates his plan to round up all people with abilities. Meanwhile, Sylar begins the search for his real parents. Throughout the way, the Heroes are guided by Rebel, later revealed to be Micah Sanders. In the finale, Sylar kills Nathan in an intense duel. Peter, who copies Sylar's shape-shifting ability in the duel, uses it to disguise himself as the President and tranquilize Sylar. With Sylar's unconscious body and a dead Nathan, Matt is instructed by Noah Bennet and Angela Petrelli to alter Sylar's mind to believe he is Nathan, with Sylar's acquired ability enabling him to fully embody Nathan's personality and gain his memories and form, in order to shut down the operation of rounding up people with abilities.