The third season of Desperate Housewives, an American television series created by Marc Cherry, premiered on September 24, 2006 and concluded on May 20, 2007. The season consisted of 23 episodes and two specials, which aired on September 3, 2006 and April 1, 2007. The series continues to focus on Wisteria Lane residents Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, Bree Hodge, Gabrielle Solis, and Edie Britt. Mary Alice Young continues to serve as the series' narrator, with the exception of one episode, "My Husband, the Pig", in which Rex Van de Kamp takes over the narration. The mystery in this season involves Bree's new husband, Orson Hodge.
Ratings for the series fell considerably during season three, with a 22 percent loss of viewership toward the end of the season.[1] Nevertheless, the show maintained its position as a top ten series and became the tenth most-watched program for the 2006-07 American television season,[2] with an average of 17.5 million viewers per episode.
Season three was released on DVD as the six-disc box set Desperate Housewives: The Complete Third Season - The Dirty Laundry Edition in Region 1 by Buena Vista Home Entertainment on September 4, 2007,[3] in Region 4 on October 31, 2006, in Region 2 on November 5, 2006, and in Region 5 on December 4, 2006.[4] The season is also available on the American iTunes Store.[5]
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