Based on the hit manga series by Natsuhara Takeshi and artwork by Kuromaru serialized in Young Sunday ( magazine. Kurosaki, aka Kurosagi (Yamashita Tomohisa) is a swindler who targets professional swindlers. He defrauds money and gives it to the victims; he never keeps it for himself. His father was once set up by a swindler and planned a family suicide. Kurosagi managed to save his life but lost his whole family.
The swindler was Katsuragi Toshio (Yamazaki Tsutomu) – the mastermind of all crooks. Despite knowing what Toshio did to his father, Kurosagi buys information off of him to capture other swindlers. Is there a way to free our world of swindlers? --TBS
- Yamashita Tomohisa as Kurosaki (Kurosagi)
- Horikita Maki as Yoshikawa Tsurara
- Ichikawa Yui as Mishima Yukari
- Kato Koji as Shiraishi Yoichi
- Yamazaki Tsutomu as Katsuragi Toshio
- Kishibe Shiro as Mikimoto
- Tayama Ryosei as Momoyama Tetsuji
- Reina as Osawa Yuuko
- Okunuki Kaoru as Hayasa
- Sugimoto Tetta as Kurosaki's Father
- Aikawa Sho as Kashima Masaru
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