The series originally centered around Ed Deline, a strict ex-CIA officer who went from Head of Security to becoming President of Operations of the Montecito, whose job is to run the day-to-day operations of the casino. Following his departure from the series in Season 5, former Marine Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel), Ed's former protege, has become the Montecito's new President of Operations.
Other characters that work with McCoy include current Head of Security and Surveillance, and former Head Valet, Mike Cannon (James Lesure) who plays an integral role in investigations due to his engineering degree from MIT.
Danny's childhood friend and ex-fiancée, Mary Connell (Nikki Cox), worked at the Montecito first as Event Director then got promoted to Hotel Manager in the third season until leaving at the end of the fourth season.
Nessa Holt (Marsha Thomason) was the Montecito's pit boss and "best pit boss in Las Vegas" until her departure at the end of the second season to live with her father and sister.
Samantha Jane "Sam" Marquez (Vanessa Marcil), a businesswoman and self-proclaimed "best casino host in the world," has one goal: to get high rollers to play at the casino.
Ed's daughter Delinda Deline (Molly Sims) serves as the Entertainment Manager, and runs all the food and beverages in the casino. She is currently living with Danny after previously having a romantic connection with him early in the first season.
The ownership of the casino has changed quite a bit with A.J. Cooper (Tom Selleck) as the sixth owner.
TNT has been airing reruns of the series since the fall of 2007.
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