Fringe follows the exploits of special agent Olivia Dunham, mad scientist Walter Bishop, and his son, jack-of-all-trades Peter Bishop, as they investigate aspects of fringe science (rare diseases, chimeras, transhumans with psychic abilities, teleportation, and so forth). Unlike his other series, Lost, J.J. Abrams promises the series' story arc will be easier to follow and more accessible for those who skip an occasional episode. In an interview first published in September 2008, Abrams said: "Lost has garnered a certain reputation for being a very complicated show and one that you have to watch every episode. Fringe is in many ways an experiment for us, which is, we believe it is possible to do a show that does have an overall story and end game, which Fringe absolutely does… We can do a show that has that, so that there's a direction the show is going and there's an ultimate story that's being told, but also a show that you don't have to watch episodes one, two and three to tune into episode four."[8] Roberto Orci, a co-creator, commented that Fringe "took its inspiration from The X-Files", but will “differentiate through the characters," and be a whole new take on the genre.[9]
Season 1
All over the world, a series of apparent experiments collectively referred to as " The Pattern" (e.g., a newborn baby who rapidly ages and dies within a few minutes, a bus full of passengers trapped in a strange resin, like mosquitoes trapped in amber) are occurring for reasons unknown. Olivia, Peter, and Walter are in charge of investigating these strange events to determine their source. Connected to the Pattern is 'Massive Dynamic', a megacorporation which is a leading global technology company, holding the patents for a diverse number of new and significant technologies. Their enemy is ZFT (Zerstörung durch Fortschritte der Technologie), a bioterrorist organization which is orchestrating all of the strange occurrences in order to prepare for a destructive technological singularity. Tying both sides together is a nootropic drug, called Cortexiphan, that was developed by Walter and his partner, William Bell (now chairman of Massive Dynamic), which Olivia and a number of others were treated with as children. Events also reveal to the viewer that a tragedy had occurred to the Peter of this universe, and Walter had abducted the alternate universe's Peter to replace him, though only Walter is aware of this knowledge. The first season closes with Olivia meeting William in a parallel universe where, among other differences, the World Trade Center was not destroyed by the September 11 attacks.
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