Plot synopsis
In the beginning, Charmed told the story of Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell; three sisters who discover their family is the desendents of witches and their identity as 'The Charmed Ones' the most powerful good witches known to the magical world. After the death of their grandmother the three sisters move back into their family home (Halliwell Manor) and discover the Book of Shadows and their destiny to protect innocents and the world from demons and warlocks. Each sister gained a special power along with the ability to cast spells and brew potions; Prue, the eldest, had the power of telekinesis – the ability to move objects with her mind. This later evolved to the point of being able to astral project, or move her astral form outside of her body. Piper, the middle sister, has the power to affect molecules, at first to slow them down, effectively “freezing” people/objects. As she grows more proficient, she can freeze only certain people or only certain objects or body parts as she wishes. Her powers grow to being able to speed up molecules as well, to the point of making the molecules move so fast that they explode. Phoebe, the youngest, possesses “inactive” powers: the power of premonition, which evolves into being able to receive visions of both the future and the past, levitation, and later empathy (the ability to both sense and tap into others' emotions).The show's major focus was on the lives of the three women and on their bond as sisters; their love for each other formed 'The Power of Three' as it was this connection that made them so strong. When Prue is killed in the Season 3 finale, Piper and Phoebe discover that they have a hidden half-sister, Paige Matthews, who is the daughter of their mother and her Whitelighter. Paige's Whitelighter blood mixes with her witchcraft heritage to give her a form of telekinesis, though she has to verbally call for objects to “orb” them where she wants them. As she learns to control the dual sides of her ancestry, Paige also learns how to heal people at will, to orb herself and others (the Whitelighter form of teleportation), and eventually she receives her own charges to train and protect as they learn witchcraft.
During the first two seasons the sisters would face various demons week to week but as the show progressed they learnt of the demonic heirarchy and of Source of All Evil. The Source is discovered to be behind all the attacks on the sisters and becomes the main villian during Season 4 until he is finally vanquished. After this a season long storyline was introduced and an evil being/opponent along with it.
On top of the supernatural issues in Charmed, the characters had to contend with serious issues in the day-to-day world of the mortals, such as relationships, careers, marriage, childbirth, illness and the deaths of their loved ones. The sisters also had to fight to prevent the exposure of the existence of magic to the community at large, contending with several police and FBI investigations.
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